Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Movie Vocabulary Notes

Movie Vocabulary: We will be analyzing the following elements of film and literature as we watch Schindler's List.

docudrama: a documentary-style drama
epic: a long story or movie
protagonist: main character
plot: storyline
rising action: the unfolding of a story--from the beginning to the climax
falling action: the resolution of the story--from the climax to the end
setting: where the story takes place
climax: the high point of the story--the turning point where the suspense is the greatest.
theme: the main topic of a story (for example: the triumph of man over adversity)
symbolism: elements of the story that represent other things
forshadowing: clues that predict futhre events (builds suspense)
parallel editing: weaving more than one storyline into one scene to show contrast or similarity.

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