Friday, October 10, 2008

Day 3, Schindler's List (and quiz)

Classwork: Notebook quiz. You were able to use your notebook if you wanted to complete the quiz, which was about the movie vocabulary we defined a couple of days ago.

Because there were grumblings from a few people who did not have their notebooks, I would like to restate the following: YOU NEED TO BE PREPARED FOR CLASS AND ON TIME FOR CLASS. You do have time to get here after lunch. If you feel you do not, get your materials before lunch—plan ahead.

Remember, you cannot receive a 100 for class if you have not completed 100% of the class—be on time.

Extra Credit:
1. Research an important person from World War II—it can be someone good or bad. Explain their role in the war in a paper or power point.
2. Watch another WWII movie, and write a review about it—tell what you liked or did not like, explain the plot, setting, and characters, and explain in your review whether it is a film that you recommend or not, and why. For even more credit research the perspective of the director/producer and comment on the time period in which the movie was made.
3. Read a book about this period in time or about a different genocide which has occurred since then.

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